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To view portions of the catalog please click here.  To request resources, please fill out a registration form or contact

J. Ayenna Davis at (763) 450-1331 or hours are 8:00am - 3:30pm, Monday through Friday.

Multicultural Resource Center Material Check-out Policies
Checkout privileges for books, materials, artifacts, videos, curriculum, etc. are extended to educators who work for one of the seven Northwest Suburban Integration School District member districts.

Educators must fill out the registration form in order to check out MRC materials.  Once registration has been completed, you will be given a username and password which will allow you to checkout, renew or hold materials in the Multicultural Resource Center.

Multicultural Resource Center

The Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) provides educators with resources for creating culturally responsive learning environments. The MRC offers multicultural materials, curriculum, and professional development opportunities for educators.

Educators from our seven district collaborative may check out multicultural curriculum materials, cultural artifacts, books, videos, DVDs, music CDs, framed artwork, and professional development resources to bring multiple cultural perspectives to their classrooms. Our collection features materials from cultures in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, the Pacific Rim, and South America.